Hi Aman,
Good question.
I feel that trying to convince higher level management to buy into modelling might not be the best approach. I think the bigger issue is that engineering teams should have the freedom and autonomy to do their job however they think is best (autonomy comes with accountability of course, so people are judged on results and need to justify their choices).
To solve this problem, I try to work with CTOs and leaders to explain the nature of software development and what a high performing teams look like. I also like delivering an exemplar project with 1 team to show the new ways of working, and use this as a foundation to spread new practices to other teams.
Running Event Storming and other collaborative practices like Example Mapping can help to seed ideas in the company that mapping things out visually together has great advantages in both the short and long-term.
If you can get people into visual collaboration then you’re 75% of the way to getting them into modelling.